IELTS este sistemul internațional de testare a limbii engleze. Testează toate cele patru abilități lingvistice: ascultare (listening), citire (reading), scriere (writing) și vorbire(speaking). Este destinat persoanelor care doresc să studieze sau să lucreze într-o țară vorbitoare de limbă engleză.

Există două versiuni ale testului, modulul Academic și modulul General Training. Modulul academic este destinat celor care doresc să studieze sau să se instruiască într-o universitate cu predare în limba engleză. Admiterea la universitate, la cursuri universitare și postuniversitare se bazează pe rezultatele Testului Academic.

Modulul de General Training se adresează în special celor care merg în țările vorbitoare de limbă engleză să facă învățământul secundar sau să obțină un loc de muncă și se concentrează pe abilități de supraviețuire de bază în medii sociale și de la locul de muncă.

Toți candidații trebuie să ia modulele de ascultare (listening) și vorbire (vorbire). Există diferite versiuni pentru modulele de citire (reading) și scriere (writing), în funcție de modulul  Academic sau de General Training a testului pe care candidații vor să îl susțină.




    • a face-to-face or telephone conversation
    • about a topic of general interest
    • usually comprised of one or two tasks (there is a pause between tasks)
    • ten questions long WITH an example at the beginning


    • your understanding of specific information (i.e. dates, everyday objects, places etc.)
    • spelling (all words must be spelt correctly)


    • if you are asked to write the name of a street, person, company etc., it will be spelt for you
    • you should be very familiar with the names of the letters of the alphabet to aid you in spelling what you hear


    • you may have to write down a year, phone number, part of an address etc.
    • remember that ‘O’ can be pronounced ‘oh’ or ‘zero’ when saying a phone number
    • when talking about money, we typically say amounts in the same way as in the examples below:

£4.50 = four pound(s) fifty / four fifty
$31.85 = thirty-one dollar(s) and eighty-five cents / thirty-one eighty-five

    • most years are pronounced in the same way as in the examples below:

1985 = nineteen eighty-five
2015 = twenty fifteen
(we put the first two numbers together and then the second two)
except for the years 2000 – 2009, example:
2000 = two thousand
2009 = two thousand and nine or two thousand nine
(we say the year as we would a number)

    • you can write dates in different ways and still get full marks:

3rd March, March 3rd, March 3 and 3 March are all considered the same two-word answer

    • for measurements, you can write either the whole thing or an abbreviation, for example:

25m = 25 metres = 25 meters



    • a talk / speech / announcement / recorded message / radio excerpt with one speaker talking (possibly introduced by another speaker)
    • about a topic of general interest
    • usually comprised of two tasks (there is a pause between tasks)
    • 10 questions long – there is NO example


    • your understanding of factual information
    • your ability to select relevant information from what you hear



    • a discussion between two to four speakers (e.g. between two students and a university lecturer)
    • concerned with some aspect of academic life
    • up to three tasks (there is a pause between tasks)
    • 10 questions long – there is NO example


    • your ability to identify key facts and ideas and how they relate to each other
    • your ability to identify speakers’ attitudes and opinions



    • a lecture / talk / presentation / speech, often in front of an audience
    • concerned with a topic of academic interest, like a scientific subject for example
    • up to three tasks (there is no pause between tasks)
    • 10 questions long – there is NO example


    • your ability to follow the speaker’s opinion
    • your ability to spell accurately
    • your ability to understand and distinguish between different ideas (e.g. causes, reasons, effects, consequences)
    • your ability to follow the way the ideas are organised (e.g. main ideas, specific information and attitude)

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